Instituto de Psicologia & NeuroComportamento
A Psicologia e a Neurociência estão em todos os ambientes privados e públicos de hoje, sociais e não sociais. Neste contexto, nenhuma atividade cotidiana, bem como, nenhum documentário, ou qualquer análise médica, estão completos sem que um ângulo psicológico e ou neurocomportamental sejam a estes acrescentados. Seja no design de seu carro, seja na arquitetura de sua casa, seja na escolha de suas roupas, seja na elaboração de um livro, de produtos comestíveis ou na escolha de seus companheiros afetivos, incluindo a maneira como ensinamos nossos filhos, tudo tem sido objeto ou elemento influenciado por tal binômio.
Sendo aceito que a Psicologia e a Neurociência também afetam a Gestão e o Comportamento Organizacional, a motivação, a emoção e o desempenho nos esportes, além do marketing do consumidor, estas áreas, além de outras tantas, também são afetadas pelas bases psicológicas neurocomportamentais. Logo, Psicologia e Neurociência podem ser entendidas tanto como ciência pura quanto como ciência aplicada. Ambas visam a compreensão do comportamento e dos mecanismos e processo básicos que influenciam as ideias, os sentimentos, os pensamentos, o otimismo, a resiliência, a felicidade e muitas outras desordens afetivas que acompanham o estresse psicológico, o medo, a ansiedade, a depressão, a apatia e outras emoções negativas.
Por adição, a Psicologia e a Neurociência também procuram resolver problemas humanos. Neste quesito, ambas apresentam-se com ligações muito próximas a outras áreas de investigação, tais como com a Medicina, a Psiquiatria, a Nutrição, a Enfermagem, a Fonoaudiologia, a Educação Física, a Fisioterapia, A Biologia, a Farmácia, a Odontologia, a Sociologia, a Economia, a Matemática e até mesmo com a Anatomia e as Letras e Artes. Em tempos pandêmicos, cumpre ressaltar, que fortemente associa-se com o estudo do impacto psicológico e comportamental das doenças infecciosas.
O Instituto de Psicologia e NeuroComportamento (IPNC) visa, portanto, investigar, estudar, analisar e mensurar os diversos constructos psicológicos e neurológicos acima descritos, buscando a promoção do bem estar individual e coletivo do ser humano.
Prof. Dr. José Aparecido da Silva
Mestre e Doutor em Psicologia pelo Instituto de Psicologia da USP e Pós-doutorado em Percepção e Psicofísica pela Universidade da Califórnia, Santa Bárbara, USA, é Professor Titular Aposentado do Departamento de Psicologia da FFCLRP-USP. Foi Chefe do Departamento de Psicologia e Educação e Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicobiologia, um dos programas conceituados com a nota 7 (máxima) pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES). Foi também Vice-Diretor e Diretor da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Coordenador Científico da área de Psicologia, no Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Presidente e Vice-Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia e Coordenador Local da International Society for Psychophysics. Com vários artigos publicados em revistas nacionais e internacionais indexadas, frequentemente citados na literatura internacional, constitui-se num dos pesquisadores em Psicologia, do Brasil, mais frequentemente referenciado pelos seus pares, tanto em periódicos quanto em livros e capítulos de livros. Membro da American Psychological Association, da International Society for Psychophysics, é o único pesquisador em Psicologia do Brasil membro da Psychonomic Society. Membro da Academia de Ciências de Ribeirão Preto. Os tópicos básicos que têm investigado são: percepção espacial, controle visual da ação, psicofísica social e clínica e a teoria geral da mensuração (escalas, testes, inteligência, dor, atributos subjetivos). Tem regularmente publicado trabalhos originais de pesquisa em revistas nacionais e internacionais de grande impacto na literatura. É autor dos seguintes livros: Percepção: Múltiplas Visões, São Paulo: FCA, 1990; Reflexões sobre Universidade, Ciência e Pós-Graduação. Ribeirão Preto: Holos, 2001; Psicologia & Comportamentos. Ribeirão Preto: Canavaci, 2003; Inteligência Humana: Abordagens Biológicas e Cognitivas. São Paulo: Lovise, 2003; Inteligência: Resultado da Genética, do Ambiente ou de Ambos?. São Paulo: Lovise, 2004; Avaliação e Mensuração de Dor: Pesquisa, Teoria e Prática. Ribeirão Preto: Funpec, 2006; Cientistas de Ribeirão Preto. Ribeirão Preto: Funpec, 2007; Inteligência para o Sucesso Pessoal e Profissional. Ribeirão Preto: Funpec, 2007, 2017 e Universidade em Debate: CCS, 2007. Recentemente, 2017, publicou o livro "O processo de liderança". Editou vários números especiais de periódicos científicos, nacionais e internacionais, dedicados aos Processos Sensoriais e Perceptuais, à Inteligência e a Dor. Atualmente faz parte do corpo editorial das revistas Psychologica, Paidéa, Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, Medicina e Sage Publications ? USA. Sendo um dos pesquisadores que teve seus dados biográficos incluídos no Who's is Who in the World, na edição de 1988 e na edição especial do ano 2000, foi Professor Visitante da Universidade da Califórnia, Santa Bárbara (USA), Universidade de Hokkaido (Japão), Universidade de Padova (Itália), Universidade de Paris, XI - Orsay (França), e Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). Na Universidade de Coimbra é Co-Coordenador do Mestrado em Psicologia Experimental e, na Universidade Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina), é co-coordenador do Centro Associado de Pós-graduação apoiado pela CAPES (Brasil) e pela SPU (Argentina). Em 2017 criou e é o coordenador do Curso de MBA da USP Comportamento nas Organizações. Ministra no PECE USP/POLI as disciplinas Inteligência Emocional e O Processo de Liderança. Ex-Prefeito do Campus Administrativo da USP de Ribeirão Preto.
Currículo Lattes:
Profa. Dra. Juliana Almeida da Silva
Possui graduação em Farmácia pela Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, UNAERP, Brasil (2007). Realizou Aperfeiçoamento e Iniciação Científica na Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, na Universidade de São Paulo (2005). Concluiu o Mestrado na Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/USP, no Departamento de Farmacologia (2011). Concluiu o doutorado em Ciências Biológicas área de concentração: Farmacologia pela Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USP (2015). Concluiu o pós-doutorado em Ciências Biológicas área de concentração: Farmacologia pela Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USP (2018). Atuação em Farmacologia e Neuroanatomia, com ênfase em Neuropsicofarmacologia, Neurociências e Comportamento.
Currículo Lattes:
Preparing for the COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis in Latin America—Using Early Evidence from Countries that Experienced COVID-19 First.
The COVID-19 started in China and took over the world becoming a pandemic, arriving in Latin America in mid-February 2020. The South American continent is going through a delicate political, economic, and social moment that reflects the fragility of our health systems and science, contagion rates reduction strategies, and health services overload. Nevertheless, several studies are being carried out in Brazil and worldwide aiming to understand the characteristics of the disease and the cure of people infected by the coronavirus. Therefore, we must consider science-based strategies to combat the pandemic and promote a health system that takes care of the population.
Role of education after the COVID-19 pandemic fear: a multidisciplinary and scientific perspective.
In response to the outbreak of the novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), pathogen of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), several sectors and social activities have been affected, including education. At first, it is explained that educators and students can feel fragile during and after the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Subsequently, it is discussed that their relationship ought to be carefully established given the triggering of psychological and neuropsychiatric effects arising from neural coding and plasticity processes, which result in the formation of positive and negative memories in the short to long term. Finally, it is pointed out that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic generates a need for adequacy and adaptation for the significant attention to students during the re-starting of studies, given that possible disorders of sensory modulation and involvement of limbic brain areas triggered in situations of risk of death, potential or real threat, can happen. It is assumed that at times of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, in addition to preserving life, one of the challenges is the behavioural (re)organisation, which includes habits from the educational context that need to contemplate a scientific perspective, seeking to transform the consequences of the pandemic fear on opportunities to reinforcement of familiar links. In the context of modern rationality, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is also a period to think about the relationship between scientific knowledge and common sense. With this logic, neurosciences can develop a new format for the teaching-learning process, so that educators and students experiencing the pandemic threatening do not manifest psychological distress and secondary consequences. Therefore, education can be considered a central space in decision-making in the face of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In this sense, the urgency of a multidisciplinary strategies development is highlighted, connecting the synergy between neurosciences and education after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Evaluation of Fear and Peritraumatic Distress during COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil.
Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread exponentially worldwide, especially in America. By mid-June, 2020, Brazil is one of the most affected countries with more than one million cases and up to 50,000 deaths. This study aims to assess the fear and peri-traumatic stress during the Covid-19 pandemics in Brazil, to enhance infection control methods, appropriate interventions, and public health policies. A cross-sectional survey has been conducted from April 12th to 18th using the Peri-Traumatic Distress Scale (CPDI) and the Fear Scale (FCV-19S) aiming to measure the peri-traumatic stress and fear as psychological reactions during the Covid-19 pandemic. For that purpose, an online spreadsheet was used to send the questionnaire and scales to a sample of 1844 participants as a collecting information tool. Both scales showed a correlation factor of (r=0,660). Results highlight significant gender differences as in both scales women’s mean scores are higher showing that it is paramount that women’s voices were represented in policy spaces as socially constructed gender roles place them in a strategic position to enhance multi-level interventions (primary and secondary effects of Covid-19), equitable policies, and new approaches to control the pandemic.
Psychological Impacts Related to Stress and Fear during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes and Psychological Disorders as Risk Factors.
Background and Aims: Patients and the general public are under insurmountable psychological pressure which may lead to various psychological problems, such as anxiety, fear, depression, and insomnia, causing, consequently, the impaired quality of life. Psychological crisis intervention plays a pivotal role in the overall deployment of health-related quality of life and disease control. A novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS- CoV-2), a pathogen of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), has affected several sector activities, including people’s health. To enhance infection control methods, appropriate interventions, and public health policies, the present study aims to assess the fear and peri-traumatic stress during the COVID-19 inBrazil. Method: A cross-sectional survey has been conducted from April 12th to 18th from 2020, using the Peri-Traumatic Distress Scale (CPDI) and the Fear Scale (FCV-19S) aiming to measure the peri-traumatic stress and fear as psychological reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. For that purpose, an online spreadsheet was used to send the questionnaire and scales to a sample of 1844 participants as a collecting information tool. After the data analysis, the individuals were separated into 4 groups: Group 1 (1232) population without chronic health conditions; group 2 (298) patients with previous psychological suffering, group 3 (229) patients with cardiovascular diseases, group 4 (71) patients with diabetes. For analysis, G1 were considered control for comparison with groups 2, 3 and 4. Results: All the groups showed the CPDI and FCV-19S increased in comparison with the G1 group. Concerning CPDI, the G 3 was increased when compared to G1, G2 and G4. The G3 had the FCV-19S higher in comparison with G1, G2 and G4. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test showed a statistical difference between the control group in comparison with 2 and 3 groups (Mann-Whitney p < 0.05). Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the Brazilian population, with patients with heart disease and hypertension presenting the highest numbers of stress and fear, with numbers comparable and even higher than those who reported previous psychological distress.
Reactions to pandemic in Brazil: predictors of mental health and life satisfaction.
The present study investigates mental health indicators: depression, anxiety, stress, sadness, satisfaction with life and associated variables, gender, educational level, having an academic or professional occupation, the constancy of physical exercises, presence of chronic disease, displaying symptoms, having been infected, having tested for Covid-19, isolation level, working from home, searching for information related to Covid-19, time devoted to social networks and belief in infection by Covid-19 from you and others. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from May 9th to July 2nd of 2020. The sample was recruited (n=862) to participate using an online spreadsheet (Google forms) circulated on social media, television, and e-mails. Sociodemographic questionnaires and scales to measure mental health aspects were applied. The mental health indicators are negatively correlated with life satisfaction. Being a woman and being younger predict higher levels of mental suffering. We have presented other predictors of mental health and life satisfaction during the pandemic. The lack of control generated by the pandemic itself, and aggravated by the circumstances in Brazil -increasing infection and deaths- shows a clear relationship with psychological distress. From the results offered by the present research, there is no single solution or “magic answer” to alleviate the psychological suffering of the Brazilian people.